Recently, I had the pleasure of conversing with Andrea Schwartz, a homeschooling Mom who runs several websites for the purpose of encouraging others to fulfill their God-given calling. Andrea learned about the 52 Godly Men project from the Molotov Mitchell video and invited me to be one of her guests on NotablePeople.org.
Andrea has been active in Christian education for almost three decades, most importantly by successfully home educating all three of her children through high school. She has served in advisory roles to Christian day schools, and has taught in co-op settings and as a private tutor. She is a sought after speaker for home school support groups and is eager to make the case for Christian education whenever she is given the opportunity.
You can listen to the interview by downloading the file linked here: NOTABLE PEOPLE INTERVIEW with Craig Thompson. Or you can visit Andrea’s site and listen to it there by clicking on this link: NotablePeople.org Interview with Craig Thompson of 52GodlyMen.com. Either way, I highly encourage you to check out what she is doing at either of the following links:
Thanks, Andrea!